
Emki (pronounced em-key) stands for empowering kids.

We strive to provide the best student-focused, engaging curriculum available to ignite and harness your child’s natural curiosity and passion for learning whilst seamlessly integrating emotional intelligence skills to help build self-worth, resilience and confidence to help live a more fulfilling life. 

We do this through our fun, New Zealand-based workshops and interactive school holiday programmes led by passionate, energetic and qualified educators. No matter which course your child takes, our goal is for your kids to have fun learning a new skill whilst naturally learning invaluable life skills.  

Feel Good About Your Purchase

Part of our overarching goal here at emki education is to help children live better lives. To us, that means helping parents, too. That’s why we’ve chosen to support the local non-profit food delivery service, Bellyful New Zealand.

Bellyful nourishes and connects communities by cooking and delivering meals to whānau, with babies or young children, who need support. That speaks volumes to us as we also value a community-minded spirit and of course, care for kids and their parents.

For every workshop booking we receive, $1 will be donated to your local Bellyful New Zealand branch.

Meet Our Founder, Clara

Hi there, I’m Clara. Founder of emki education and Mum to my amazing daughter, Ally.

After having Ally In 2018, life changed. For the first time in my life, I felt this overwhelming sense of self-confidence and self-worth, stemming from the knowledge that a life depended on me and I was everything to her.

This abrupt emotional awakening pushed me to do some deep inner work, soul searching and serious self-reflection to ensure that I was showing up as the best Mum I could be for my daughter. After a lot of reading I learned that self-worth, along with confidence, resilience, setting healthy boundaries and effective communication are not only learned behaviours, but vital life skills that we need to instil in our children at a young age. 

Coming from a generation where mental health was not prioritised like it is today has had a lasting effect on my own emotional intelligence journey. Stifled emotions, invalidated feelings and not knowing how to communicate in healthy ways all led me to stay in toxic relationships, toxic career paths and ultimately struggle with depression. 

But now, I am convinced that my path could have been avoided, if I had self-worth instilled in me from an early age. Having had self-worth and self-confidence, I would have had the mental strength to lift me out of depression and set boundaries to not allow people to walk all over me. 

I didn’t want my daughter to wait until (almost) middle age to have this emotional epiphany like I did.    

I started emki education because I became a Big Life Journal Licenced Educator, and wanted to bring this amazing programme to NZ kids. But then I realised I could also offer other workshops and school holiday programmes but integrate these vital life stills seamlessly throughout the course. Meaning we could reach kids to provide them with the emotional life skills who might not be the type to enjoy work booking (which is the basis of the RISE course). The RISE course is based off the Big Life Journal curriculum.

After a stint as a Teacher’s Assistant in France in my mid 20s, I quickly learned that kids learn effortlessly when they are engaged in interactive lessons and having fun. That’s exactly why all of our teachers are lovely, kind, passionate, energetic and can lead interactive programmes with ease. We want our students to LOVE our offerings and come out of our courses feeling happy, confident, worthy and passionate about life.

That’s our goal. We can’t wait to welcome your child into one of our exciting courses!

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