Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

Website Terms and Conditions

 Effective Date: 19 November 2021

 Welcome to www.emki.co.nz and www.emkieducation.co.nz   

 This Site  is owned and operated by Emki Education NZBN 9429049702392 trading as Emki Education (referred to in these terms as “Emki Education”, “we”, “us”, and “our”).  Please take the time to read the terms of use that are applicable to your use and enjoyment of this Site and the content made available to you via this Site and our social media channels (“Terms”).  These Terms together with our Privacy Policy apply to all Site visitors, subscribers, customers, and all other users of the Site (“user”, “you” and “your”).



By accessing and using this Site, our social media channels and any other materials made available to you or provided to you on this Site, whether made available for purchase or not, you are taken to accept our Terms. 



By using the Site, accessing or purchasing any products or services, you warrant that:

a.       you are over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into a legally binding contract;

b.       have read and accepted these Terms; and

c.       will comply with these Terms.



We reserve the right to change or modify these Terms at any time consistent with applicable laws and principles, without notice to you.  These changes will be effective as of the date we post the revised version on this Site.  It is your responsibility to review these Terms prior to use and periodically throughout your use of our Site and services.  If at any time you choose not to accept these Terms, you should not use this Site.


By remaining on this Site and your continued use of this Site is deemed acceptance of any modifications or amendment of these Terms.  You may also accept these terms where you click “Agree” or “Accept” or “Buy” or “Book” where such an option is made available to you during your use of the Site.  If you’re uncertain about the Terms or anything else on our Site, please don’t hesitate to contact us before completing any purchase.



The Site, products and services contain intellectual property owned by us and/or by third-parties that license the content to us (“Third-Party Licensed Intellectual Property”), including, without limitation, trademarks, copyrights, proprietary information, designs, patents and other intellectual property rights, as well as the business name, logo, images, all designs, text, videos, audio files, graphics, other files, and software (“Content”).  Your use of the Site, the products and/or the services and access to any Content does not grant or transfer any rights, title or interest to you in relation to this Site, the products and/or services or the Content.


No Commercial Use

You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, display, reproduce or perform, or in any way exploit in any format whatsoever the Site, our products and/or services or the Content, our Intellectual Property and Third-Party Licensed Intellectual Property in whole or in part without our prior written consent. We reserve the right to immediately remove your access to our Site, products and services, Content, without refund, if you are found to be violating these Terms. 


Free or paid content

Where you download or purchase our digital products (including checklists, guides, ebooks, workbooks, video or audio content) (Digital Products) you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited licence to access and use the Digital Products for your own personal use.  You may not assign or transfer the Digital Products to any other person without Our express written consent.  We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to accept or refuse to provide the products and/or services to you at any time for any reason.


Except as otherwise provided, you acknowledge and agree that you have no right to modify, edit, copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, alter, sell, create derivative works of, enhance or in any way exploit any of the Digital Products in any manner whatsoever except as authorised by us.



Our Site and social media channels may have links to other sites operated by third parties.  Unless we expressly  tell you otherwise, we do not in any way, endorse, control or approve of and nor are we responsible for the content on those websites.  It’s up to you to decide if those websites and their content work for you, and we recommend that you investigate and do your homework to find that out.



These Terms also include our Privacy Policy which sets out how we use your personal information, which can be accessed below. By using this Site, you consent to the processing described in the Privacy Policy and warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.



To place orders and access some features of the Site, you may have to  register an account. This means you’ll have to give us accurate information including your name, your business name, address, a valid email address and telephone number and you must be at least 18 years old.   You warrant that any information you provide during the account set up process is accurate and correct at the time you provide the information and that you’ll update information should there be any changes to the information provided. You’ll be solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account (including orders placed on your account) so keep your account password secure.

We reserve the right to suspend or cancel your account at any time, at our sole discretion, if you breach any provision of the Terms or applicable law or where your conduct impacts our reputation.



Upon purchase of a downloadable product from this Site, you will receive an email with a link to complete the purchase of your product including, where applicable, a direct download for your product.


Products may be available on this Site without a need to purchase or download them.  You agree and accept full responsibility and risk for downloading and using these products.  You agree that you will indemnify and hold harmless, Emki Education and all our related entities and personnel, against liability for any harm or loss caused by the downloading and use of these products.


You agree that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate programs and hardware available to access and use the downloadable products and that this is not a reason for which we can offer a refund.



Due to the nature of digital products, any orders received and processed by us for digital products  available to be purchased online, has a strict NO REFUND/RETURN/EXCHANGE POLICY.   Where we send the wrong digital product we will send you the correct digital product and where the link provided to download is not working, we will send you the digital product direct or via a revised link at no extra cost.



All prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) and are inclusive of any New Zealand Goods and Services Tax (GST) (as applicable). The prices indicated on the Site may change at any time without advance notice to you.  If you’ve purchased one of our programs, courses, or other products and/or  services, it will be charged at the price in force at the time a customer’s order is validated.


We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the program, course, product and/or service without notice at any time. We shall not be liable to you, or to a third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the program, course,  product and/or service.


We may from time to time provide discounted products and/or services.  You may only use one discount code with each purchase.  We reserve the right to reject or cancel any orders where you add more than one discount code.  We allow you to use discount codes strictly on the terms and conditions upon which they were issued which, amongst other things, may include terms relating to your eligibility to use them and a maximum order value.  Discount codes and/or vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.


We offer visitors who want to purchase from our Site the option to pay for the products and / or services by credit card or such other method of payment as notified by us from time to time.  You acknowledge and agree to make timely and full payments to us for the products and/or services purchased.  Where you use a credit card, you warrant that you have the necessary rights and authority to use that credit card.  You authorise us to automatically charge the credit card on file for any and all payment balances owed and agree to keep all billing information current at all times.  Where you fail to make payment or payment is declined for any reason, we may revoke your access to the products.



You acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by any affirmation, acceptance or agreement that is transmitted through this Site, including but not limited to any consent you provide to receive communications from us solely by means of electronic transmission.  You further acknowledge and agree that when you click on or tick “I agree”, “I consent”, or other similarly worded click or tick options by electronic means using an electronic device such as a mobile phone, tablet, desktop, laptop or any other computer device capable of allowing you to click or tick, your agreement and/or consent will be legally binding and enforceable and will be deemed to be as effective as if you had written your signature by hand.



Our Site may have articles and content that is of a general nature and is not intended to constitute or replace professional advice for individual or specific situations and does not take into account your specific needs or circumstances.  The information contained on the Site is not a substitute for obtaining advice specific to your circumstances from a qualified professional. We do not accept responsibility for determining whether our products and/or services are appropriate for you, We reserve the right to deny service and refund the cost of that product and/or service for any reason including where we believe that the product and/or service would be dangerous or would not be appropriate for you, or we believe that further professional advice should be sought.


We do our best to ensure that the colours of any products are accurately displaced, please note, that on occasion the colour on our Site may seem different, depending on the device you use this can be for a number of reasons which are outside of our reasonable control, and may not accurately reflect the colour of the product.


By referencing or referring to anything on our Site including products or services, programs, courses, any processes or other information, this does not constitute or imply our endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation in any way.


You acknowledge and agree that we have not and do not make any representations as to the financial benefits, future income, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your use of this Site, programs, courses, products and / or services.




We may, from time to time, run events.  You consent that we may capture (including by photograph or video) any participation in any type of event that may be run by us.  You acknowledge and agree that we have the ability to use content captured at these events at our Sole discretion, including to advertise or promote the business.


You may be required to specifically sign a waiver or consent form to acknowledge your acceptance of these terms and that may be required to agree to other Additional Terms in order to participate in the event.



We always appreciate interaction on our social media channels and feedback about our Site, products and services, as it helps us to improve our Site and our products and services. Through the use of this Site, you may be invited to submit a review, you can also comment on our blog or other parts of our Site or interact with us via our social media channels. We love to hear from you!


Where you do decide to submit such feedback or comments,  you represent and warrant that:

a.       you are the sole author and owner of the intellectual property and any other rights in that content  (or have the right to use that content with appropriate consents and permissions);

b.       give us permission to post or otherwise use that feedback on our social media or other channels;

c.       you waive any and all existing and future moral rights (as defined in the Copyright Act 1994 as amended) in the content you provide us;

d.       the content does not violate these Terms; and

e.       you are at least 18 years old.


We reserve the right to remove a review or comment  if such review or comment  contains:

a.       libelous or otherwise unlawful, abusive or obscene material;

b.       attacks our employees or another contributor;

c.       contains material that discloses your personal information; or

d.       is unrelated to the post or content to which you have reviewed or commented on.


Our Site and social media channels may feature user reviews of the products and/or services as well as blogs by guest bloggers, these reviews and content of the guest blogs in no way represent the views or opinions Emki Education or its owners, shareholders, employees or others, but are the sole product of its creator.  We disclaim all liability with respect to any content submitted by the user or guest blogger.



We may from time to time run competitions through this Site and / or through our social media channels. Your participation in those competitions is subject to these Terms and any terms and conditions that are specific to each competition. 



On our Site we present real life examples and insights of other people’s experiences for illustration purposes only and any results personally achieved are due to the individuals themselves.  These testimonials show users what can be possible but are not intended to represent or guarantee that any current or future users of our programs, courses, products and/or services will achieve the same or similar results. 



In addition to any other prohibitions, you must not, under any circumstances  use the Site or its content:

a.       for any unlawful purpose;

b.       to solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts;

c.       to violate any international, federal, or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances;

d.       attempt to change, remove, deface, hack or otherwise interfere with this Site or any material or content displaced on the Site;

e.       hack into any aspect of the Service; corrupt data; cause annoyance to other users;

f.         infringe upon the rights of any other person's proprietary rights;

g.       send any unsolicited advertising or promotional material, commonly referred to as “spam”; or

h.       attempt to affect the performance or functionality of any computer facilities of or accessed through this Site.



This Site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and to the fullest extent permitted by law we make no representations or warranties about our Site and / or the programs, courses, products or services including that:

a.       they are suitable, reliable, complete,  secure, accurate or fit for any particular purpose;

b.       access will be free of any harmful components (including viruses) or other code that is harmful or may assist in causing harm; or 

c.       there is no possibility of failure to store communications or other data.


The use of any programs, courses, products and/or services, requires personal choices and/ or actions that are unique to the individual and any reliance on the content made available on our Site, through our programs, courses, products and/or services are at your own risk.



To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, nothing in these Terms has the effect of contracting out of the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or any other consumer protection law that cannot be excluded. In no event are we, any of our subsidiaries, or any of their shareholders, directors, officers, employees or licensors responsible for any losses and expenses, however arising, including without limitation, any direct, indirect and/or present, unascertained, future or contingent, loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a virus, loss of income or profit or projected profit, loss or damage to property, claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind or character arising from or in connection with your use of our Site and /or our products or services, your inability to access our Site, interruption or outage of our Site or the fact that content on our Site or in our services is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.  To the extent our liability cannot be excluded but can be limited, our liability is limited to $165.



To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, you agree to indemnify, and  hold us and our related entities, affiliates, and our and their respective officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, (including reasonable legal fees on a full indemnity basis), made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of this Site in violation of these Terms  and/or arising from a breach of these Terms  and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set out in these Terms or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.



Where you have selected to enter into a further agreement, relationship or contract with us beyond this Site, including by purchasing products or services which require this,  we will issue you with Additional Terms.  These Additional Terms together with these Terms will form the agreement between the parties (Agreement).



The agreement constituted between us by your use of the Site may be terminated:

a.       where you breach any provision of these Terms; or

b.       at any time by us without notice, in which case all disclaimers and limitations of liability will survive termination, and you will no longer be authorised to access the Site.



If any term or provision of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent allowed by law and the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.



We have the right to discontinue this Site.  If we decide to do this, it can be at any time and may be without notice to you.  We may also exclude any person from using our Site, at any time and at our sole discretion. We will not be  responsible for any liability you may suffer arising from or in connection with any such discontinuance or exclusion.



We are permitted to assign, transfer and subcontract our rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notification or consent required.  However, you are not permitted to assign, transfer or subcontract your rights and/or obligations under these Terms.



These Terms (together with our Privacy Policy, Additional Terms and disclaimers) contained on this Site, constitute the entire understanding and agreement between us and you, in relation to your use of this Site and supersede all previous communications, negotiations, and agreements, whether oral, written, or electronic, respect to this Site and your use of this Site.



All Terms shall be construed in accordance with and governed in all respects by the laws of New Zealand. In relation to any dispute, we ask that you contact us in the first instance so that both parties can, acting in good faith, resolve the dispute to our mutual satisfaction as quickly, cost effectively and efficiently as possible.  Where a dispute cannot be resolved, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.



 Effective Date 19 November 2021

 Your Privacy and Emki Education NZBN 9429049702392 trading as Emki Education “we”, “our”, or “us”).


Who we are and how you can contact us

We are Emki Education and we are based in Bay of Plenty in New Zealand.  We are committed to protecting your privacy and respect and uphold your rights when you use this Site. This Privacy Policy applies to the products and / or services, we provide on our Site www.emki.co.nz (“Site”) and our social media channels and explains how we collect, hold, use and disclose data and comply with the requirements of the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 and constitutes part of our Website Terms & Conditions. This Privacy Policy does not cover information that you submit on other websites, even if we communicate with you on those sites. For example, if you post something on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or YouTube, that information is governed by the privacy policies on those websites, and is not governed by this Privacy Policy.


You can contact us for privacy related questions by emailing us a hello@emki.co.nz or via our website contact us page

We will only use your personal information in compliance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 and to the extent applicable, with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any replacement legislation or regulation or guidelines and standards governing the use, storage or transmission of personal data.  This privacy policy does not seek to limit or exclude any of your rights under the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993.  If you want to know more about how the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 works, please visit the Privacy Commissioner’s website which has some useful guides www.privacy.org.nz


Our Role in your Privacy

If you are a customer, subscriber or just a visitor on our Site, this Privacy Policy will apply to you. 


Our Responsibilities

As we are the providers of the products and services on this Site, we determine how and why your data is processed.  We do not sell or rent your details to any third parties.  We are committed to protecting your privacy and we want you to know exactly what information is collected and how we use it.


Your Responsibilities

●        Please read this Privacy Policy and the Website Terms & Conditions.

●        If you provide us with any data relating to a third party, you confirm that you have the right to authorise us to process that  data on your behalf in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


When and How we collect Data

From the moment you visit our Site, we are collecting data, sometimes you might provide this data by completing a form or setting up an account, otherwise we might collect the data automatically.  We may also collect data when:

●        You purchase a gift card for redemption on our Site

●        You purchase an online course, webinar, program or service

●        You interact with us on social media

●        You complete any sign-up forms, landing pages or send us a direct message via social media or an email to any of our nominated emails

●        You participate in promotions and giveaways or any request for additional data such as customer surveys

●        You accept our cookies and other tracking technologies on any device you use to interact with us

●        You voluntarily submit your data to us for any reason


Types of Data we may collect (including automatically)

●        Contact details (name, address, email)

●        Financial Information (bank details when you are making a purchase)

●        Your business name (sometimes)

●        Basic information about your business and its history (sometimes)

●        Data about the products or services you purchase

●        Data that identifies you (your IP address, login, browser type, time zone, browser plug ins, geolocation, what operating system and version) - we do not link this with any personal Data

●        Data on how you use our Site (URL clicks, products and services views, how long you are on our pages and other actions)


How and why we use your Data and disclosure

Under data laws, we are only allowed to use your data for specific reasons and where we have the legal basis to do so. 

 We will use your data for the purposes it was collected and related purposes including:

●        To run our Site

●        Provide you with products, information and services

●        Customer support

●        Track your purchase history

●        Detect and prevent fraud

●        Improve our Site

●        Make your experience on our Site more efficient and enjoyable

●        Market research e.g. we may contact you for feedback about our products and services

●        Provide you with information about events, other products or services or opportunities that may be of interest

●        Marketing (with your consent)

●        Monitor your compliance with our Website Terms and Conditions


We may disclose your data for the purposes it was collected and also:

●        As required by law subject to our obligations

●        With your consent

●        Within our business

●        Send you marketing material (with your consent)

●        Process your participation in any promotions and giveaways (including contacting you if you win, displaying your name online and on our social media platforms)

●        Share with third parties to enable us to provide our products and/or services


 Sensitive data

Our Site may allow you the option to add additional information to your account profile, such as information about your child’s health, allergies, medications and age or anything relevant to your child’s health and well-being.  We will not collect this information without your explicit consent.  We treat this information with particular sensitivity as we understand that it can reveal information about your child’s health or age.  You do not have to provide this information to us, and can delete or update this information at any time.


Google Analytics and Facebook


We use Google Analytics functions.  You can find out how your data is collected here and there are instructions here on how to opt-out of Google Analytics data tracking.

 Our use of Google Analytics may include but is not limited to display advertising and remarketing.  You may see our adverts across the internet, this is due to the use of tracking technologies (cookies) to optimise and serve our adverts based on past visits to our Site.  When you log onto our Site, we, with the help of Google Analytics, use your browsing behaviour to connect this with other data that you previously provided to us in accordance with this privacy policy.



We use Facebook Insights to track your interaction with our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/emki.education this will allow us to track usage and improve the performance of our page.  We will use Facebook Analytics to better measure, track and understand customer user experience to enable us to improve our products and services that we offer.  You can check out Facebook’s privacy policy here and if you want to opt out of seeing ads on Facebook based on information we have received, you can control this in your ad preferences here.


What are your choices?

Don't provide us with personal data

You can choose not to provide us with any personal data. However if you do this, we will not be able to provide you with any products or services, however, you can continue to use our Site and browse the pages of our Site.


Turning off cookies

Our Site uses cookies and similar technologies to provide certain functionality to our Site.  You can turn off cookies by activating the setting in your browser that allows you to do this.  You can also delete cookies through your browser settings.  If you do decide to turn off cookies, you can continue to use the Site, however, certain services may not work as effectively.


Don't want marketing?

We will always let you know before we collect any data from you what the intended use is and if we intend to use it for marketing and if third parties are involved we will obtain your consent (which you can withdraw at any time).  You can change your mind about marketing material by opting out by:

a.  emailing us at hello@emki.co.nz; or

b. completing the contact us form on our contact page; or

c.  by unsubscribing within the email if you have previously subscribed to our newsletter.


What are your rights?

You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting us via the contact us page on our Site or via email hello@emki.co.nz


You can access information we hold about you

We will provide you with the information within 30 days of your request, unless doing so would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others (e.g. another person’s confidentiality or intellectual property rights).  We will tell you if we can't comply with your request and why.


Inaccurate information

You can contact us to ask us to correct any information we hold about you, that you believe is inaccurate.


Objections to using data for profiling or automated decisions

We may use your data to determine what products and services are relevant to you (e.g. tailoring our emails based on your behaviour).  Otherwise, the only circumstances in which we will use this data is to provide our products and services to you.


You have the right to be forgotten

You have the right to request for your data to be erased.  This means we have to delete all information that we hold about you, except to the extent of any information we are required to hold due to our legal obligations.


You have the right to make a complaint regarding the use of your data

If you have any complaints regarding how your data is handled, please contact us via our contact us page or via email hello@emki.co.nz If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint you may seek a review by contacting the Privacy Commissioner.


How secure is the data collected

We realise that our customers trust us to protect their data and whilst we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, or receive from us, we take that task seriously and maintain reasonable and appropriate physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to help protect your data.  This includes the following:

●        Password access to accounts

●        Storing electronic data with reputable third party storage providers who have appropriate security protections

●        Limit access to personal information to individuals who need to know.

●        Using payment providers who are PCI DSS compliant

●        We do not store your payment details


Where do we store data

We use service providers based in New Zealand. If we transfer personal data outside of New Zealand, we will ensure that your privacy rights are adequately protected by ensuring these service providers have the same or similar measures in place to protect data shared.


How long do we store data

We will keep your data for as long as we need it and this period will also depend on your interactions with us.  If you have made a purchase with us, we will keep a record of your purchase for the period necessary for invoicing and tax purposes.  When we no longer need to keep your information, we will delete it permanently or anonymise Data which is no longer necessary.


 Third parties who process your data

We share data with third parties in the following circumstances:

●        Other companies in our group of companies, as necessary to operate our Site

●        Our suppliers and service providers working for us e.g. payment processors

●        Our professional and legal advisors

●        Third parties engaged in fraud prevention and detection

●        Law enforcement or other government authorities

●        Share with third parties who enable us to provide our products and services which may include:

○        payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, Xero, Shopify  who may process your payment for any products and services bought from us;

○        Social media and analytics such as Facebook, Instagram and Google Adwords for purpose of custom audience generation and the development of targeting criteria;

○        Other third parties such as Leadpages, LeadQuizzes, Teachable, Zoom, Active Campaign, MailChimp for processing and holding Data that enables us to ensure you are kept informed of all course information, logins and marketing material, offers, promotions, newsletters, blogs and video training.

●        Where we have your consent to do so or otherwise where we are legally permitted to do so.


Payment Security

All are our real time credit card authorisations are handled by secure third party gateway providers and these are secured by the highest level of security.  The following measures are taken to protect your data:

●       Payments are fully automated with an immediate response.

●       Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by us or any outside party.

●       All transaction data is encrypted for storage within our third party gateway suppliers bank-grade data centre, further protecting your credit card data.

●       Our third party gateway provider is an authorised third party processor for all the major New Zealand banks.

●       Our third party gateway provider will at no time touch your funds, all monies are directly transferred from your credit card to the merchant account held by us.


We use third party gateway providers that are widely respected for providing secure and reliable online payment solutions. We have chosen to deal with the best so you can feel safe that your personal information is kept safe and secure at all times. While we attempt to protect the information in our possession, no security system is perfect and we cannot promise that information about you will remain secure in all circumstances.


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for all organisations that handle branded credit cards from major card schemes.  PCI DSS is a standard mandated by the card brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover and is managed by the PCI Security Standards Council.


PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information through our Site and the service providers.


Age of consent

By using this site, you warrant that you are at least the age of majority in your State or Territory of residence.  Our Site should not be used by anyone under the age of majority and we do not knowingly collect data from anyone under the age of majority.


Cookies and how to block them

We use cookies, this helps us improve the products and services we provide. 


What are cookies?

“Cookies” are data files that are placed on your device or computer and often include an anonymous unique identifier.  Cookies can also be used to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes.  They do not harm your systems and the HELP function in your browser will tell you how to restrict or block the cookies.  For more information about cookies, and how to disable cookies, visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org.  If you use browser settings to block all cookies, you may not be able to access all or parts of our Site.


Web Beacons

We may use web beacons (or clear gifs) on our website and in our emails. So basically when we send emails, we have the ability to track behaviour such as who opened the emails, who clicked the links and collection information such as your IP address, your browser or email type, we then put this information together to improve the performance of our email campaigns and provide you with better and/or services specific to your needs. You will always have the ability to opt out of any emails we send just click the link in the email that says “unsubscribe”.


Governing law

This Privacy Policy and your use of this Site is governed in all respects by the laws of New Zealand.


Updates to our Privacy Policy

Please make sure to check in on our Privacy Policy periodically, as we may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.  We will always ensure that the current date of the Privacy Policy also known as the “Effective Date” is prominently displayed at the very top of this Privacy Policy so you know it's the latest version.