R.I.S.E school holiday programme: 7 - 12 year olds

Empowering kids to believe in themselves, face challenges with confidence and live emotionally happy lives through a kid-friendly, science-based curriculum.


Your child can build confidence and resilience in this fun 5 day programme for kids aged 7 - 12 years. Tamariki can attend from 1 - 5 days. We can accommodate kids from 7:30am - 6pm.

Each day will have a different topic so that those who attend the full 5 days will be stimulated each day.

R.I.S.E stands for Resilience, Inner-Confidence, Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence, which are the foundations of what will be taught in this course.

The R.I.S.E programme includes workbooking, role playing, crafts and short videos. We teach using the latest research in positive psychology, brain science and youth development techniques created by Big Life Journal.  As a licenced Big Life Journal educator, emki will help develop strong social-emotional learning and growth mindset skills in a way that’s heaps of fun.

The Science behind it:
You can download the list of books, studies, and research materials that have gone into the creation of the journal and workshop here

Our Kits

To give you an idea of the workbooks that your tamariki will be working through, here’s an example of the resilience kit.

Keep scrolling for more topic and day to day information.


Topics covered in the R.I.S.E school holiday programme

  • Resilience

    We will help children develop grit, resilience, and perseverance.

    With fun and engaging activities, students will learn how to:

    cope in spite of setbacks

    welcome mistakes as opportunities to grow

    overcome obstacles

    Children will also discover that resilience can be learned like any other skill. It just takes practice and patience.

  • Confidence & Self-Esteem

    We will help children to develop high self-esteem and confidence.

    With our teaching methods and materials, kids will learn how to overcome their negative self-talk and start believing in themselves and their abilities.

    We teach:



    EFT tapping for confidence


  • Growth Mindset

    We will help children learn how to develop a growth mindset, and overcome a fixed mindset. We will also teach them how to:

    turn their self-deprecating thoughts into positive and empowering ones

    learn from their mistakes

    focus on solutions rather than problems

    practice gratitude

  • Emotional Intellgence

    We teach children how to process their emotions in a constructive way so they can become more attentive, empathetic, and resilient.

    Higher levels of emotional intelligence will help your child:

    make good decisions

    grow into a leader

    boost self-motivation

    manage stress and anxiety

  • Resilience

    Resiliency does not come from avoiding hard things, rather, from learning how to cope and moving through hard times.

    Our lessons help children to work on one of life's greatest skills and build the confidence they need to overcome even the most challenging days.

  • Self-esteem

    People with high self-esteem like themselves and believe that they are capable and worthy. As a result, they make better choices, become more resilient, and push harder to reach their goals. They’re more likely to be happy, successful, and emotionally healthy.

    Our lessons help children to see their worth.

  • Growth Mindset

    Beliefs about our abilities form our mindset — and they impact everything from relationships to academic success. Developing the right kind of mindset means the difference between hiding from life’s challenges and handling them with confidence. Studies show the mindset associated with a full, happy life is called a growth mindset.

    Our lessons help children learn how to develop a growth mindset and be aware of fixed mindsets.

How we’ll spend the week

  • Monday


    Worksheets, posters, activities, and colouring pages designed to help children develop grit, resilience, and perseverance.

    With these fun and engaging activities, your children or students will learn how to:

    1. cope in spite of setbacks

    2. welcome mistakes as opportunities to grow

    3. overcome obstacles

    Tamariki will discover that resilience can be learned like any other skill. It just takes practice and patience.

    This collection of printables helps children develop their inner grittiness, putting them on the path to happiness and success.

  • Tuesday


    Students will learn how to:

    1. stay / become resilient

    2. welcome mistakes as opportunities to grow

    3. overcome the fear of failure

    They will also discover their brain's ability to LEARN and GROW! They will understand they can achieve great results with practice and effort.

  • Wednesday


    A collection of printable worksheets and activities for children to help develop high self-esteem and confidence.

    Tamariki will learn how to overcome their negative self-talk and start believing in themselves and their abilities. This workbook includes:

    1. goal-setting templates

    2. problem-solving activities

    3. EFT tapping for confidence guide

    4. mindfulness activities

  • Thursday


    A collection of worksheets, games and activities.

    This kit will help your child learn to process their emotions in a constructive way so they can become more attentive, empathetic, and resilient.

    Higher levels of emotional intelligence will help tamariki:

    1. make good decisions

    2. grow into a leader

    3. boost self-motivation

    4. manage stress and anxiety

  • Friday


    Your child will discover fun and engaging activities to:

    1.practice being thankful for things they already have

    2.practice finding positives in every situation

    3.collect favourite memories throughout the year to create their own gratitude calendar gratitude to others by writing cute thank-you notes

    5.decorate their bedroom with beautiful hand-lettered gratitude quotes

  • Everyday & Notes

    Everyday we will spend time working through the workbooks, but will also stop regularly for breaks, crafts, short videos related to the curriculum, games and role play so your child really enjoys coming to Emki programmes during their school holidays.


    Emki believes that kids need downtime and time to ‘just be’. We offer stimulating courses but there are times when your tamariki need some ‘me time’ just to take a breather from their hectic life and school schedule which they are now on holidays from. We have set up our rooms AND outdoor areas to accommodate this need. Where there are books, crafts and comfortable seating for kids to just chill out for as long as they need. We also have beautiful, bountiful gardens which they can enjoy.

    Any activities that can be done outside (in the warmer months) we will take the opportunity to move outside under shade.

    Our aim is to make your kids happy, stimulated with fun activities but also relaxed so they ENJOY coming to school holiday programmes with us.

While we wait to become OSCAR registered (meaning you only pay between $0 - $53 per day OR $0 - $265 per week) for our programme), please register your interest below so we can get in touch with you once our programme launches.

Don’t hesitate to contact us via email at if you’d like to bring this programme to your town.

(We aim to deliver our workshops and school holiday programmes NZ wide so we would love to hear from you!)

Express your interest (click here). Once we are OSCAR registered, we’ll get in touch!