OSCAR subsidised school holiday programmes for NZ kids 7 - 12 years.

We are working hard to launch our OSCAR subsidised school holiday programmes and hope to start our first programmes in late 2022. Please register your interest below so you’ll be the first to know when we launch.

  • R.I.S.E (resilience) school holiday programme

    Rise stands for Resilience, Inner-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Emotional Intelligence, which are the foundations of what will be taught in this course.

    These skills will help your child develop grit, resilience, perseverance, high self-esteem and confidence.

  • kid business school holiday programme

    A fun way to fuel your kid’s desire to start their entrepreneurial journey early whilst cultivating confidence, grit and a positive mindset.

    We’ll cover key essentials of a business plan, how to launch a successful business along with teaching important life skills such resilience, adaptability and establishing accountability.

  • dance school holiday programme

    Learn salsa, bollywood, pasifika or Maori dance styles and be immersed in traditional crafts, songs and food all week long.

    This fun and exciting programme will also teach teamwork, patience, resilience and self-confidence.

  • party food school holiday programme

    A fun, creative class to learn how to make delicious party food from Mexico, Japan, Italy or Thailand whilst listening to the traditional music and learning about the culture. Kids can also learn technical and creative cake decorating skills to give cakes the wow factor!

  • permaculture (gardening) school holiday programme

    Students will spend their time at a local permaculture property where they will learn how to build practical skills for living more sustainably by participating in fun, hands-on lessons such as learning about different plants, learning how to plant, composting, food forests, worm farms, farm animals, renewable energy, nature appreciation and community building.